As of August 5, 2002, this website has finally been updated--

Go to the NEWS page for more details!

Welcome to the Sisk Family Web Page! Since we have all moved to such distance places in the world (well, at least the country), the Internet is the perfect way to keep in touch without racking up huge phone bills. Not that anything could possibly keep us from talking on the phone, but it was a good thought.


Right now, you're at the HOME page. Here you'll find links to all the other pages on the site.

On the NEWS page you can find out where every member of the family is right now at this very moment, what they last ate, and what they are currently thinking about. Well, once I install everyone's private GPS system, spy cameras, and neurological monitors (you'll help me with that one, dad). For now, you'll just find the most exciting things that have recently happened to anyone who lets me know about it.

The CALENDAR lists all our upcoming events so you can almost feel like you're there. You need our password to access this page.

The PHOTO GALLERIES contain photos from Jos' and Jo's digital camera, scans, and any pictures the rest of you send to me! I'll especially try to keep Erin's and Kelly's pictures up-to-date (right, Wheelers?)

SOUND BYTES includes clips from Jo's performances and other guest artists (umm, looking for contributors here) so you can find out what you're missing on the East Coast or wherever the heck you people live.

The ADDRESS LIST contains up-to-date contact information on the whole clan. You need the password for this page, too (sorry all you virtual solicitors out there).

The READING LIST is a list of all the nifty books we've read recently. Books that I don't understand, such as those on Constructive Epistemology, may not be included. My sisters may want to include a STOLEN BOOKS LIST as well so that I return all those "borrowed" ones.

Learn what everybody else is looking at on the LINKS page.

You can EMAIL ME,

or click on the SURPRISE PAGE for a link-of-the-week.

All of the coolest clip art on this site is provided for FREE by Karen Shrader. Thanks!!